Legalization of Marijuana…. Coming to a Coffee Shop near You!

As California goes, so does the nation, or at least that is the way the saying goes, but truthfully, and honestly what is the big deal. Everyone from Presidents, to an 8 time Olympic Gold Medal winner has used it, some openly admitting to it, while others end up ranked number one on search sites based upon page views, but all in all these people as well as many others have accomplished extraordinary achievements in life. Do not get me wrong, I am not referring to the seventh, or eighth grader who happened to stumble upon a joint in a member of his families room, nor am I referring to the eleventh grade junior still struggling to discover his or hers identity. I am referring to the overall usage of marijuana. I am talking about the ability to purchase, and consume it, let’s be frank, there are far greater items classified as legal in this country, but pose much superior health and social risks to our nation. The primary reason marijuana is still illegal is because the FDA has not approved the drug, thus crushing any government funding for the research showing a medical usage purpose for it.

So how can an item as bad as people claim it to be; being used so widely and socially accepted be outlawed for personal usage….Is it not we the people, by the people….for the people? There are many debates that take place, both pros and cons about the legalization of marijuana, but what points are valid, and what points are just bunches of smoke? .

If the government had the ability to collect taxes off of the generated revenue of businesses, and individuals, (which enables a free market) it would be killing more than one bird with one stone. First, it would be introducing new supply to the demand, thus lowering prices. That lowering in prices will drive out many competitors that cannot run a business with that low of a profit margin, it is just not economical. Next, put some Americans back to work by setting up a Homeland of Security for marijuana that would monitor closely the effects, usage, and sales of the Green substance. There would be less violence, in the United States, due to criminal acts in order to recompensate, or “score,” more money could be poured into the much needed areas of the justice system that works on prevention, rehabilitation and an effective exit strategy of deterring criminal activity, and who knows maybe people will give up smoking cigarettes in the process too!

Take into account the huge lobbyist of these gigantic corporations, which have huge amounts of money to throw around; these individuals which by the way pose as a dominant influence affecting the reason why this drug is still banned. The interest of huge billion dollar corporations, and industries would be at stake, from alcohol companies, to tobacco companies, to name brand pharmaceutical companies the list goes on and on. Think of the city, state, and federal budgets that are funded with criminal dollars, from search and seizure, to incarceration, to restitution, on a revolving door basis.

For more insight on this theory check out Mark Kleiman a professor at the School of Public Policy and Social Research at the University of California.